An Adventure in the River
Oliver recounts an adventure packed hike up a river that almost ends in disaster. This is a story told from an eight-year-old point of view.
Back to School Q&A with Our Worldschoolers
We’re in Brazil homeschooling while we travel around the South American continent for a year. Today on our blog, our kids reflect on their new school life.
10 Ways Trains Are Better Than Planes
We recently took a 48-hour Amtrak ride from Chicago to Los Angeles. If you have the time to spare, we definitely recommend it.
Packing Light – Strategies to Lessen Your Load
What you decide to pack is what you commit to carry for your entire trip. Here are some strategies to help you trim some unnecessary pounds and pack light.
Weeks From Our Year of Travel, Anxiety and Mixed Feelings
As we approach our departure, each family member’s unbridled enthusiasm for our year of travel becomes clouded with sadness for what we leave behind.
Kids Grow Up So Fast. I’m Not Sure I’m Ready…
A dream and a passport photo spur a crisis as I imagine my eight year old as a teenager. In this post I reflect on the years to come with trepidation and hope.
Not Fit for Instagram (But Made Money to Sleep!)
There were only two remarkable things about our recent four-day trip: we made more money than we spent, and we slept like we were in our twenties.
How to Have Carefree and Happy Travels With Kids
We travel with our kids so they can expand their world while we expand ours. But kids bring unique challenges to the travel experience. Here are some tips.
Driving with Kids Scary? Try This Counterintuitive Approach
A long drive with kids can be daunting. The go-to approach is to entertain. But what if more entertainment is actually the problem, not the solution?