Normalcy, Time-Crunch, Homeschooling Blues, and Dreaming: Thoughts at 6 Months
Halfway into our family gap year, we reflect on how we’ve grown, how we’ve failed, and what’s ahead.

Did You Know We Are Mapping Our Journey?
We are documenting our journey with this interactive map. Read more about how to use the map to see where we’ve traveled.

Trifecta Series Part II: 3 Things We Miss Most About Home
In the second part of the “trifecta” series I discuss what we miss most about home after two months abroad on our family gap year.

Trifecta Series Part I: Top 3 Benefits of Long-Term Travel
In the first part of my “Trifecta” series, I discuss the three things I’ve found most beneficial about our family gap year and long-term travel.

Purgatory: Our First Two Weeks of Prep and Travel
Enjoy our first dispatch on the road. Here I talk about wrapping up our home life and doing a bit of domestic travel before flying to a new continent.

Weeks From Our Year of Travel, Anxiety and Mixed Feelings
As we approach our departure, each family member’s unbridled enthusiasm for our year of travel becomes clouded with sadness for what we leave behind.

One Last To-Do: Resign From My Job of 15 Years
Taking a gap year required quitting my job. After fifteen years building a unique career, the experience promised to be surreal. This is how it went…

Our Lame Duck Life: Leaving It All In Three Months
Our familiar life will end in 3 months when we kick off our year of travel. I reflect on staying present and engaged in this “lame duck” phase of our life.

Long-Term Travel Planning in the Time of COVID
Advance planning for our family year of world travel is not for the faint of heart in the time of COVID. We cover our planning six months out and offer tips.